current Affaer

uestion 26)

In which market, a market or an industry is dominated by a single seller?

किस बाजार मेंएक बाजार या विक्रेता में एक एकल विक्रेता का बोलबाला है?

(A) Oligopoly/ अल्पाधिकार (B) Monopoly/ एकाधिकार

(C) Duopoly/द्वयधिकार (D) Monopolistic Competition/ एकाधिकार प्रतियोगिता

Correct Options:   B

You Marked:  You Marked : B

Explanation :

Monopoly is a market form in which the market is dominated by a single seller for goods and services which has no substitutes and there are barriers for entry of a new seller as he himself is the law and price maker.

Question 27)

With which sport is the term bleeder associated?

ब्लीडर शब्द किस खेल से जुड़ा है?

(A) Volleyball/ वॉलीबॉल (B) Boxing/ मुक्केबाजी (C) Cricket/ क्रिकेट (D) Swimming/ तैराकी

Correct Options:   B

You Marked:  You Marked : D

Explanation :

In boxing, bleeder means "a boxer who gets cut easily" or "A fighter who is vulnerable to cuts".

Question 28)

………… is the branch of zoology concerned with the study of amphibians.

……… उभयचरों के अध्ययन से संबंधित प्राणीशास्त्रा की शाखा है।

(A) Herpetology/ सरीसृप विज्ञान (B) Ethology/ आचार विज्ञान

(C) Mammology/ स्तनपायी-संबंधी विद्या (D) Morphology/ आकृति विज्ञान

Correct Options:   A

You Marked:  
Explanation :

Herpetology: It is the branch concerned with the study of amphibians.

Ethology: It is the science of animal behaviour.

Mammology: It is Speacialised science that deals with the study of mammals.

Morphology: It is The study of forms of things.

Question 29)

A ………… thread is actually stronger than a steel wire.

………… धागा वास्तव में स्टील के तार से ज्यादा मजबूत होता है।

(A) Wool/ ऊन (B) Cotton/ कपास (C) Jute/ जूट (D) Nylon/ नायलॉन

Correct Options:   D

You Marked:  You Marked : D

Question 30)

Which of the following imaginary lines join places with same level of rainfalls?

निम्नलिखित में से कौन सी काल्पनिक रेखा समान स्तर की वर्षा वाले स्थानों से जुड़ती हैं?

(A) Contour lines/ कंटूर रेखाएं (B) Isobaths lines/ आइसोबथ रेखाएं

(C) Isohyets lines/ आयसोह्येट्स रेखाएं (D) Isobar lines/ आयसोबार रेखाएं

Correct Options:   C

You Marked:  You Marked : B

Explanation :

Isohyets lines are imaginary lines joining places with same level of rainfalls. Isohyets is derived from the Greek word where hyets means Rainfall.

Question 31)

How many times a person can be elected as the President of India?

किसी व्यक्ति को भारत के राष्ट्रपति के रूप में कितनी बार चुना जा सकता है?

(A) One time/ एक बार (B) Two times/ दो बार

(C) Three times/ तीन बार (D) No bar/ कोई रोक नहीं

Correct Options:   D

You Marked:  You Marked : D

Explanation :

A person can be elected as the president of India any number of time as reflected in Article 57. However, for person to be keep on getting elected, they must satisfy the eligibility condition as listed in the Article 58 of the Indian constitution.

Question 32)

If an object moves in a circular path with uniform ………… its motion is called uniform circular motion.

यदि कोई वस्तु समरूप ………… के साथ गोलाकार पथ में चलती हैंतो उसकी गति को समरूप वृत्तीय गति कहा जाता है।

(A) Speed/ गति (B) Time/ समय  (C) Velocity/ वेग (D) Acceleration/ त्वरण

Correct Options:   A

You Marked:  You Marked : A

Question 33)

Takshashila University was located between which two rivers?

तक्षशिला विश्वविद्यालय किन दो नदियों के बीच स्थित था?

(A) Indus and Jhelum/ सिंधु और झेलम (B) Jhelum and Ravi/ झेलम और रवि

(C) Beas and Indus/ ब्यास और सिंधु (D) Satluj and Indus/ सतलुज और सिंधु

Correct Options:   A

You Marked:  You Marked : A

Explanation :

Takshashila University was located between rivers Indus and Jhelum. It is an ancient city known for Buddhist learning centre located in Rawalpindi, Northwestern Pakistan. It is a UNESCO world heritage site. 

Question 34)

The CSIR has partnered with which state/UT for Science and Technology development?

CSIR ने विज्ञान और प्रौद्योगिकी विकास के लिए किस राज्य/केंद्र शासित प्रदेश के साथ भागीदारी की हैं?

(A) Kerala/ केरल (B) Karnataka/ कर्नाटक (C) Goa/ गोवा (D) Ladakh/ लद्दाख

Correct Options:   D

You Marked:  You Marked : D

Explanation :

The Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) has signed an MoU with the Union Territory of Ladakh. 

Question 35)

Which operating system is developed and used by Apple Inc?

कौन-सा ऑपरेटिंग सिस्टम Apple Inc द्वारा विकसित और उपयोग किया जाता है?

(A) Windows/ विंडोज (B) Android/ एंड्राइड (C) iOS/ आईओएस (D) UNIX/ यूनिक्स

Correct Options:   C

You Marked:  You Marked : C

Question 36)

Which tax causes a burden on the poorer section of the society?

किस कर से समाज के गरीब तबके पर बोझ पड़ता है?

(A) Direct Tax/ प्रत्यक्ष कर

(B) Indirect Tax/ अप्रत्यक्ष कर

(C) Both Direct and Indirect Tax/ अप्रत्यक्ष कर

(D) None of these/ इनमें से कोई नहीं

Correct Options:   B

You Marked:  You Marked : A

Question 37)

Which of the following countries is the largest producer of wheat in the world?

निम्नलिखित में से कौन सा देश दुनिया में गेंहू का सबसे बड़ा उत्पादक है?

(A) China/ चीन (B) Myanmar (Burma)/ म्यांमार (बर्मा)

(C) India/ भारत (D) Bangladesh/ बांग्लादेश

Correct Options:   A

You Marked:  You Marked : A

Explanation :

China is the largest producer of wheat with annual production of 134,340,630 te in world and it is followed by India. 

Question 38)

How does a Unicellular Organism reproduce?

एककोशिकीय जीव कैसे प्रजनन करता है?

(A) By Cell division/ कोशिका विभाजन के द्वारा (B) By Cell reproduction/ कोशिका प्रजनन के द्वारा

(C) By Cell synthesis/ कोशिका संश्लेषण के द्वारा (D) By Fragmentation/ विखंडन के द्वारा

Correct Options:   A

You Marked:  You Marked : C

Explanation :

Unicellular Organism reproduce through cell division done through mitosis which is also known as asexual reproduction. Examples are all prokaryotes like amoeba, yeast. 

Question 39)

The rubbing surface of a matchbox has powdered glass and a little red ………….

माचिस की तीली की सतह में कांच और थोड़ा लाल रंग का …………. पाउडर होता है।

(A) Antimony/ सुरमा (B) Arsenic/ आर्सेनिक (C) Silicon/ सिलिकॉन (D) Phosphorus/ फास्फोरस

Correct Options:   D

You Marked:  You Marked : D

Question 40)

Which of the following planet is also known as 'Earth's twin'?

निम्नलिखित में से किस ग्रह को पृथ्वी का जुड़वां’ भी कहा जाता है?

(A) Mercury/ बुध (B) Venus/शुक्र  (C) Jupiter/ बृहस्पति (D) Saturn/ शनि

Correct Options:   B

You Marked:  You Marked : B

Explanation :

Venus is also known as Earth's twin because both planets share a similar size, mass and surface composition like silica rock, nickel, thin crust and have an atmosphere with a complex weather system. Further Venus and Earth are neighbor planets thus they came to be known as twins. 

Question 41)

How many fundamental Rights are mentioned in Indian constitution?

भारतीय संविधान में कितने मौलिक अधिकारों का उल्लेख हैं?

(A) Five/ पाँच (B) Six/ छह (C) Seven/ सात (D) Eight/ आठ

Correct Options:   B

You Marked:  You Marked : C

Question 42)

TV remote controls work on the principle of ………….

टीवी रिमोट कंट्रोल......... के सिद्धांत पर काम करते हैं।

(A) Ultrasonic waves/ अल्ट्रासोनिक तरंगें (B) Laser technology/ लेजर तकनीक

(C) Bluetooth technology/ ब्लूटूथ तकनीक (D) Infrared waves/ इन्फ्रारेड तरंगें

Correct Options:   D

You Marked:  You Marked : B

Explanation :

TV remote control works on the principle of Infrared Technology. 

Question 43)

………… first became the capital of a kingdom under the Tomara Rajputs.

……… सबसे पहले तोमारा राजपूतों के अधीन एक राज्य की राजधानी बनी।

(A) Delhi/ दिल्ली (B) Pataliputra/ पाटलिपुत्र

(C) Calcutta/ कलकत्ता (D) Taxila/ तक्षशिला

Correct Options:   A

You Marked:  You Marked : A

Explanation :

Delhi first became the capital of a kingdom under the Tomara Rajputs. Tomar Rajput ruled parts of Haryana and Delhi during the 9th to 12th century. 

Question 44)

Roshni Nadar is the Chairperson of which company?

रोशनी नादर किस कंपनी की अध्यक्षा हैं?

(A) Infosys/ इन्फोसिस (B) HCL Technologies/ एचसीएल टेक्नोलॉजीज

(C) Biocon/ बायोकॉन (D) Syngene/ सिनजीन

Correct Options:   B

You Marked:  You Marked : B

Explanation :

The Chairperson of HCL Technologies Roshni Nadar is listed to be wealthiest woman of India in the year 2020. 

Question 45)

Haemoglobin is an important component of …………

हीमोग्लोबिन ………… का एक महत्वपूर्ण घटक है।

(A) White blood cells/ सफेद रक्त कोशिकाएं (B) Red blood cells/ लाल रक्त कोशिकाएं

(C) Plasma/ प्लाज्मा (D) All options are correct/ सभी विकल्प सही हैं

Correct Options:   B

You Marked:  You Marked : D

Explanation :

Hemoglobin is an important component of red blood cells. It consists of amino acids and iron due to which it is red in colour. 

Question 46)

Which base is present in soap?

साबुन में कौन-सा क्षार मौजूद है?

(A) Sodium hydroxide/ सोडियम हाइडॉक्साइड (B) Silicon dioxide/ सिलिकॉन डाइऑक्साइड

(C) Calcium hydroxide/ कैल्शियम हाइडॉक्साइड (D) Ammonium hydroxide/ अमोनियम हाइडॉक्साइड

Correct Options:   A

You Marked:  You Marked : A

Explanation :

It is Sodium hydroxide which is present in Soap. It is also known as Caustic soda and is an inorganic compound. Apart from Soap it is also used in the manufacture of pulp and paper, textiles, drinking water and detergents. 

Question 47)

Amazon river flows through which of the following country?

अमेजन नदी निम्न में से किस देश से होकर बहती है?

(A) USA/ यूएसए (B) France/ फ्रांस (C) Brazil/ ब्राजील (D) Canada/ कनाडा

Correct Options:   C

You Marked:  You Marked : C

Question 48)

Which article can be used by The President of India to declare financial emergency?

वित्तीय आपातकाल की घोषणा करने के लिए भारत के राष्ट्रपति द्वारा किस लेख का उपयोग किया जा सकता है?

(A) Article 32/ अनुच्छेद 32 (B) Article 349/ अनुच्छेद 349

(C) Article 360/ अनुच्छेद 360 (D) Article 365/ अनुच्छेद 365

Correct Options:   C

You Marked:  You Marked : C

Question 49)

Kelvin (K) is the unit of measurement of ………….

केल्विन (K) ........... की माप इकाई है।

(A) Density/ घनत्व (B) Pressure/ दबाव (C) Mass/ मास (D) Temperature/ तापमान

Correct Options:   D

You Marked:  You Marked : D

Explanation :

Kelvin (K) is the unit of measurement of Temperature. The absolute zero of kelvin scale is the temperature at which all thermal motion ceases in the classical description of thermodynamics. 

Question 50)

………… was the first Mughal emperor in India.

भारत में पहला मुगल सम्राट ………… था।

(A) Babur/ बाबर (B) Humayun/ हुमायूँ  (C) Akbar/ अकबर (D) Shah Jahan/ शाहजहाँ

Correct Options:   A

You Marked:  You Marked : A

Explanation :

Babur was the first Mughal emperor In Indian. Babur entered India in 1526 and defeated Ibrahim Lodi at the First Battle of Panipat in 1526. Babur defeated Rana Sanga in Battle of Khanwa in 1527 and finally established Mughal Dynasty on Delhi Throne


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